Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Started in 1980 for the purpose of educating young Christians, Bethel Christian Academy has spent over forty years working to develop young minds for Christ. Since that day, BCA has continued to teach Biblical principles for an everyday life.
At Bethel Christian Academy, we believe that it is vital that we provide a strong foundation for our children's future. We believe that children need a safe environment, caring teachers, and a Christian basis for their education.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can my child succeed in a Christian School?
We understand that every child comes from a unique background and faces different challenges. Therefore, we tailor our education to meet state requirements while ensuring that your child will receive a well-rounded education. We also carefully select what curriculum is best suited for your child. Regardless of where your child is academically, they will have a spot here at BCA.
Will my child sit in front of a TV all day?
On average, the students will only have between 3-5 hours of the school day when the video is actually playing. During that time the teacher will have the students actively participating in the class. Your child will feel as if they are as much a part of the class as the students in the video. The rest of the school day is divided up between electives and study hall time.
Can I afford to send my child to a private school?
At BCA, we strive to keep the cost of private, Christian education as affordable as possible. We are able to do this, in part, by using the Abeka Video program, which allows us to provide a high quality education at a low cost. We are also able to work with parents to help set up a payment schedule to work with almost any budget.
Will my child be ignored?
Because we have a low student-teacher ratio, we can have time to spend with each child to ensure that they are learning each concept as it is being taught. Regular assessments are given to help determine if a child needs more work on a particular subject. Each year we evaluate the progress of each student to determine what level they will need to take for the upcoming year. We take each child on an individual basis to put him on the best track towards success.
Will my child be safe?
In today's world, student safety is a major concern. We do not take it lightly that you have trusted us with your child. Therefore, we have a Code of Conduct that each student is required to follow. These rules help teach the students personal responsibility, respect for others, and a strong work ethic. No bullying is tolerated at school. We request that each student treats others with care and respect.